1.  A stiff resistance might well increase the pressure on Washington to end the war on Southern terms.

2.  Aerobic activity does not increase total daily calorie expenditure.

3.  Another mechanism, called transposition, can also increase the frequency of one variant through the genome.

4.  Any fiscal measures dampening demand for new cars will only increase unemployment in the motor trade.

5.  Comparative analysis can then increase our confidence regarding what we know about the political world.

6.  Compulsory seating at football grounds has greatly increased my enjoyment of games.

7.  Design improvements in the computer system have greatly increased our efficiency.

8.  Howarth has already increased the work turnover by ten percent.

9.  Multicultural and anti-racism training will also increase confidence in the police among minority ethnic communities.

10.  Testosterone administration can also increase ankle swelling in men who have edema from conditions such as liver disease or heart failure.

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